Processing Specials, Opportunities for Profitability - Training Video

Processing Specials, Opportunities for Profitability - Training Video

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Processing Specials, Opportunities for Profitability

90 Minute Training Video #102717-V

It takes a higher level of skill, resource, partnering and most importantly – ATTITUDE to maximize the opportunity for making profit from non-standard fasteners.

There is just something different, interesting, and FUN about being able to process a special fastener opportunity.

In this webinar we will explore the reasons why SPECIALS are such a dynamic and exciting way to grow your business and secure your customer base.

Here’s what we will cover:

What exactly is a “special” – or more importantly – what is a special to you?
Getting all the information – you don’t know what you don’t know and what you don’t know can hurt you
Fastener Drawings – getting a good one is not as hard as you think -and it’s the key to some specials

  • Taking the “special” out of specials for increased profit
  • What to do when the customer does not know what they need – how to offer technical help safely
  • There’s more to the transaction than the part itself -what else matters?
  • When to invoke specifications and when not to
  • Generic vs Licensed fastener features
  • Modifications and secondary processing of standard fasteners
  • What is the best process for manufacturing that particular special? – it depends
  • Who are your partners? – developing relationships with manufacturers importers and customers
  • Evaluating the risk – and the reward with specials
  • Developing your “Specials Attitude” – it’s not for everyone

    This webinar is appropriate for all levels of experience in the fastener industry, but it particularly important for technical sales people, managers, and owners.

    It is also recommended for those new to the industry who want to develop a passion for specials.

    2-week rental – $225 (up to 25 views per video)

    One-time view – $125

    Includes reference materials and quizzes

    Instructor: Carmen Vertullo CFS
    Image - Carmen headshot

        • Founder of Carver Consulting, a San Diego-based consulting, engineering and training company specializing in fasteners and bolted joints.

        • Experience in fastener quality assurance, manufacturing, sales, and inventory management programs.

        • Developed and teaches a series of advanced fastener training courses for the Fastener Training Institute®.

      • Holds a BS in Manufacturing Engineering Technology from National University, San Diego, CA.
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